Your path to a thriving, profitable stationery business that will completely change your life. 

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    coming soon

    the stationery academy

    join the waitlist for an exclusive course bonus

      How to push past imposter-syndrome and get your business set up professionally and legally

      Are you ready to learn...

      The strategies and tools that have propelled my business from a side-gig to a $300k/year stationery business

      How to design, print, and assemble luxury invitations (even if you're not an artist!)

      How to become a MASTER marketer and build a wildly profitable business that books up every. single. year. 

      I'm Elisabeth

      And I educate calligraphers, artists, and aspiring stationers (just like you!) how to build a profitable, thriving stationery business.

      I built my multiple six figure stationery business from the ground up. With zero background in graphic design, art, or business, I bootstrapped my way to the top of a competitive industry. 

      I’m here to encourage you and remind you that if I can do it, so can you. I’ll say this many times throughout our journey together, so let me start now: there is space for you. 

      And there is also 💵💵💵 for you - probably way more than you even realize. 

      you don't have to be special to do this. you just have to be committed.

      have we met?

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